Although many people in the movie industry have claimed that Citizen Kane is the greatest movie of all time, I have to disagree. The movie was not completely horrible, but definitely not something I would choose to watch during a movie night. For one, it dragged on. The movie contained some interesting parts, but towards the end it started to get a bit boring. A few of the people Thompson interviewed had stories that just dragged on– such as Susan Alexander's. Although the puzzle montage allowed the readers to see how much time had passed, it was boring and the filmmakers could have made it more enticing to the watchers, such as showing it in a different way, or having Susan do something other than puzzles.
Another thing about Citizen Kane that made me not completely enjoy the movie was the ending. The 'twist' was not a very good ending to the movie, and in my opinion Orson Wells should have either disregarded it, or made a much more interesting plot twist for the viewers. A movie that definitely had a good plot twist in the ending was Shutter Island, which is a movie I really enjoy (along with the book, which was better. Books are always better.).
But do not fear- I didn't hate everything about this movie. Something I enjoyed was how Thompson interviwed the people about Kane's life. It's very different from how movies are told, and it let us get to know Kane in a differnt way then if it was just told in the way that movies are typically shown. It let us really see the many sides of Kane and how different people thought of him throughout his life.
All in all, Citizen Kane wasn't a horrible movie. I wouldn't say it's the greatest movie of all time, but I can see that people who really enjoy movies would definitely appreciate this one.